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Haddon Primary and Nursery School

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Haddon Primary and Nursery School

Dream Big, Aim High

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) at Haddon

The Governors receive information each year from the SENCo (Miss Alice Jackson) about the number of children on the Special Needs Register and their needs, information about ‘provision mapping’ and the training of members of staff, together with updates to the Special Educational Needs Policy.  

The Senior Leadership Team verify school data related to all vulnerable groups to see that needs are appropriately met.  The Head of School’s report at each full governors provides an update on the number of SEND children in the school.

At the end of each year staff attend a transition staff meeting to ensure receiving staff are aware of the needs of their new intake for September.


At Haddon we aim to enable each child to achieve their full potential. We all work to provide a friendly, stimulating and challenging environment which respects and celebrates individual interests, talents and differences.


What are Special Educational Needs?

A child has Special Educational Needs Disabilities (SEND) if he or she has:

  • A learning difference – a significantly greater difference in learning than the majority of children of the same age, which needs provision that is very individual and cannot be provided through adapted resources. OR a disability which makes it difficult to use education facilities generally provided locally, and if that learning difficulty calls for special educational provision.
  • Special educational provision – provision additional to, or different from, that made generally for children of the same age in local schools


There are a wide range of special educational needs for which children may need extra support. Sometimes these needs are only short term, others may continue through a child’s school life and some children may have a specific diagnosis. The needs generally fall into one or more of the following categories.


Cognition and Learning

Indications may be:

  • Attainment is significantly lower than peers
  • Delayed language development
  • Memory difficulties
  • Limited concentration
  • Difficulties with independent learning


Communication and Interaction

Indications may be:

  • Difficulty making and maintaining social relationships
  • Difficulties in following instructions, routines and maintaining attention to task
  • Tendency to display obsessive behaviours and/or inappropriate language and communication – can result in loss of friends or distracting teaching staff
  • Uneven progress between subject areas due to problems in particular areas

Social, Emotional and Mental Health 

Indications may be:

  • Incidents of disruption/ disaffection
  • Additional difficulties in areas of learning and cognition, communication, and or physical/sensory needs
  • Difficulty remaining on task results in frequent disruption
  • Progress below expectations in many areas – often associated with frustration and disaffection
  • Difficulties sustaining appropriate peer relationships
  • Fluctuations to mood and unpredictable attitudes to learning tasks
  • Periods of uncooperative behaviour and withdrawal

Sensory and Physical

Indications may be:

  • A specific disability eg physical disability / hearing or sight loss
  • Has medical needs requiring significant adult intervention
  • Experiences difficulties undertaking some fine / gross motor tasks or working at the same pace as peers
  • Is not able to access classroom materials without modification
  • Exhibits signs of increasing fatigue towards end of day/session
  • May show signs of frustration in classroom/setting
  • May become isolated during lunch/social times




Where children meet the thresholds of having complex and persistent needs, which struggle to be met in a mainstream primary school, parents alongside school can request an assessment into the eligibility for having an Educational and Health Care Plan. This brings together information from education, health and social care. Information about EHCPs can be obtained from school, Parent Partnership (Ask Us) or from the local authority.

SEND Terms Explained

What is the Local Offer?

The local offer is the services that are available in Nottinghamshire. More information is available at:

As part of the local offer the Haddon SEND policy sets out our aims and provisions in more detail.


What is a SENCO?

A Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is a member of staff responsible for keeping an overview of special needs in school.


What is a TA?

A Teaching Assistant who works alongside the class teacher and supports groups of children and individuals to access the curriculum and reach their targets. 


What is a support plan?

A Support Plan is a form of individual passport which summarises strengths and needs; indicates best methods of learning / resources that are useful and sets out small step focused targets which are reviewed 2-3 x per year. At Haddon it is written as part of a meeting called a ‘review’ meeting.


What is an Educational Psychologist (EP)?

A person trained to make judgements on children’s educational development, usually provided through advice and training for SENCOs and Teachers.


What is a Schools and Families Support Service Teacher? (SFSS)

A specialist teacher who school can ask for advice and help. They work in a number of schools and also offer training to support staff.


Who are the behaviour support team? (RPBP)

A specialist teacher trained to support children who are experiencing behavioural difficulties and give advice to their teachers.


What is the Parent Partnership Scheme?

An organisation which offers support and advice to parents of children with special educational needs.

TEL:  0115 9482888


What is SALT?

Speech And Language Therapy


What is a review?

A meeting during the school day for the parents/carers and sometimes other agencies who support a child with special needs. We discuss progress against meeting support plan targets.


What is an EHCP?

Where children meet the thresholds of having complex and persistent needs, which struggle to be met in a mainstream primary school, parents alongside school can request an assessment into the eligibility for having an Educational and Health Care Plan. This brings together information from education, health and social care. Information about EHCPs can be obtained from school, Parent Partnership or from the local authority.

What is inclusion?

Inclusion means all children, whatever their needs, are welcomed into school, and supported to take an active part in all areas of school life to become integrated member of our school community. Inclusion isn’t providing the SAME for all children, but personalising teaching and provision to meet individual needs.


How do we know who needs help?

Information comes to us in many different ways:

  • from you
  • from pre-school or nursery
  • from Early Years Support Services
  • from staff working with your child
  • from other people working with your child
  • from listening to and observing your child
  • from tests, assessments and tracking systems in school


If you would like to speak to the school SENCO, please contact the school office and ask to speak with Miss Jackson. 







Listed below is a brief overview of the various additional programmes we deliver to support all learners, where appropriate. If you wish to discuss your child’s support programmes please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Teaching Assistant running the group or with Miss Jackson(SENCO).


Early Intervention

Rigorous processes are now in place to identify pupils who will need early intervention, should their progress levels signify support is required. Class teachers will meet with parents to make them aware of the support provided.


Speech and Language
Individualised programmes submitted by a Speech Therapist assigned to this school is delivered by one of our Teaching Assistants, Mrs Beardsall. These are for children who have been referred, by the school or by a medical professional, to be assessed by the Speech and Language Therapy Service. These programmes can include speech sound production, language development and social skills, depending on the child’s needs.


EAL - English as an Additional Language
This is for children who have a first language other than English and may need further intervention with their English language understanding in order to aid their academic development.


Emotional Support
This intervention is accessible to all pupils who may be experiencing difficulty with some aspects of home/school life e.g. a family bereavement which may impact on their school life. Mrs Etherington works with the children to ensure they are supported through these emotional times during the school day.


Miss Jackson and Mrs Etherington also ensure smooth transitions occur between year groups and secondary schools for those children who need extra support.



Haddon Primary and Nursery School

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