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Haddon Primary and Nursery School

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Haddon Primary and Nursery School

Dream Big, Aim High


The Haddon Curriculum


Our enquiry-based approach takes children on a journey of memorable learning through rich and purposeful experiences, culminating in authentic outcomes. Our curriculum ensures we are teaching for long-term memory with the key purpose for our children to know more and remember more.



Fluency in the core subjects, with reading at the heart, enables access to the full curriculum and is therefore integral to our approach. The curriculum is carefully designed through the subject drivers of history, geography and art. These enquiries ensure coverage, progression, and retention of transferrable knowledge and skills by linking to prior knowledge and building on these solid foundations to accumulate more.



It aims to provide inclusive and aspirational environments where learners thrive and build the cultural capital they need to make aspirational choices about their own future, overcoming any barriers.


Each enquiry lasts roughly 10 weeks and are driven by a subject as outlined below:

Autumn: Discover (history)

Spring: Explore (geography)

Summer: Create (art)



As a staff, we have designed our curriculum vision together through an excellent understanding of our communityour families and most importantly, our children. Our curriculum is driven through the following principles, using the acronym WEAVE



For more information on how we plan our knowledge rich and progressive curriculum please see the link below’

As well as the book that helps them become a reader, it’s important that children access books beyond what they can read. This helps them to understand the wonders that literature can bring. It also helps them build a wider vocabulary bank by accessing material beyond what they can read (Children should only be expected to read their matched decodable reading book until they read Turquoise books with fluency). 







Haddon Primary and Nursery School

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