Global Citizenship
It's so good to see the children of Haddon embracing Global Citizenship and to hear them discussing, from a young age, about where they come from, what they belong to and about their influences upon the wider community and how we are all equal and can all make a difference.
Looking at the local community and all it has to offer, thinking about how we need to protect it for the future; the celebration of festivals and traditions from many cultures; the study of other countries and our inter-dependency; learning to greet each other in Spanish; are all importance aspects of our Haddon curriculum. are all giving the children meaningful contexts for their learning.
Do you have talents (e.g being fluent in Spanish or another language!), experiences, knowledge or ideas that can support this important aspect of our learning? If so please don't be shy, talk to Miss Capek or your child's teacher about what you are able to share with us - we love nothing better than hearing first hand from people who have experience and knowledge of what we are learning about.
Look at how much our RE trips to places of Worship and other special places bring our learning to life and teach to be tolerant and respectful to people who have different cultures and beliefs to us.
Year 6 Visit to the National Holocaust Centre July
Year 2 visit to Nottingham Liberal Synagogue July
Year 1 visit to Westdale Lane Baptist Church June
Year 4 visit to Hindu Temple June
Y3 visit St James Church

William Booth Birthplace Museum

FS2 visit to St James Church April