Friends of Haddon
The Friends of Haddon is a charity fundraising committee run by parents of children in the school and some of the staff. It helps provide all those little extras that enhance the children's lives in school.
All parents automatically become members of the Friends’ group when their child joins the school. The social and fund raising events organised by the Friends of Haddon Committee continue to provide money for much needed facilities and resources for the children as well as a number of enrichment activities such as inviting the Pantomime into school at Christmas. Most activities are designed to be ‘family events’ but there are some that are aimed specifically at a solely adult audience.
The school is indebted to the work of the Friends of Haddon and all the parents who support our school. If you would like to support our Friends group in the planning and running of these events please contact our lovely office team on 0115 9523959 so they can pass your details onto the chair.