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Haddon Primary and Nursery School

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Haddon Primary and Nursery School

Dream Big, Aim High


Welcome to the FAQs page.

What should I do if my child is late for school?

Please bring your child to reception and hand them over to one of our lovely office team, giving a reason for the lateness. Remember to tell the office staff if your child requires a school dinner.


What should I do if my child is ill?

Please phone the school office before 9:00am to advise of illness and the predicted length of time that the child will be away from school. Please ensure that you do this on each day of your child's absence so we know where they are. When your child returns to school, we will need to have a letter explaining absence for our records. 



What if my child is unwell at school?

If your child starts to feel unwell or has an accident during the school day one of our fully qualified first aiders will speak to them and assess the situation to decide what is needed.  If they are not well enough to remain in school until the end of the school day then we will call you on the number we hold for you, let you know the situation and ask you to arrange for someone to pick them up from school. It is really important that you ensure we are notified of any changes to your contact details and that we can always get hold of you or one of the other named contacts you have given us for your child.


Can I take my children on holiday from school in term time?

In line with Notts County Council advice, any holiday taken in term time will be recorded as unauthorised.  Wherever possible holidays should be avoided during term time as each day away from school negatively impacts the children's learning and progress. Parents may face fines for taking a child on holiday during term time. However, we understand that sometimes there are exceptional circumstances. A permission to miss learning form should be completed so school is aware of the reason for absence and why it needs to happen during term time.


What does Foundation stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 mean?


Foundation stage was previously known as nursery and reception, the children in this year group are aged 3, 4 & 5.


Key Stage 1 (infants) includes Year 1 & Year 2, the children move into key stage 1 at the end of the Foundation stage. Key Stage 1 are aged 5, 6 and 7.


Key Stage 2 (juniors) includes Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6. The children move into Key stage two when they start their junior education. They are aged 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. At the end of Key Stage Two the children move to the comprehensive school

and start Key Stage 3.


When can I see my child's teacher?

After school is always the best time. All staff try to meet with parents, as soon as possible, if there is an issue. However, there is a staff meeting on Wednesdays after school and a variety of after school clubs on other days. It is therefore advisable for parents to call the school office during the day, or send teachers a message directly on Class Dojo,  to arrange an appointment at a mutually agreed time. Parents evenings happen each term and all parents are encouraged to attend to discuss their child’s progress.


My child is upset about coming to school.

It is always best to speak to the class teacher straight away who will be more than willing to help your child to sort out any problems quickly.


I think my child is struggling with their work?

Arrange a time to see the class teacher. If the class teacher thinks there is a problem they will speak to the SENCO -Special Educational Needs Coordinator, to speak to you and your child.


What do the school governors do?

The governors finalise school policy decisions and work actively with school staff to support teaching and learning. Governors represent the views of parents and the local community. The role of governors involves appointing school staff, observing lessons, regular meetings with staff and with each other.


How do we contact governors?

You can either leave a note / letter with the school office or leave your contact details with a request to contact you with the school office.


What are the SATs and do my children have to take them?

These are currently, the Statutory Assessment Tests set by the government for years 2 & 6. They are administered under controlled conditions, as per the guide lines set out by government. We have to stick to the rules and can be checked at any time for correct practise - without warning!


How can I help my child through the SATs/ any recommended work I can do to help my child?


You can practice skills at home, there are a number of websites which can help you with this – see our links – and there are also books which you can buy to help your child revise for the tests. Nearer the time the teachers will send out information about how you can support your children and may provide practice work to try at home.



Haddon Primary and Nursery School

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