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Haddon Primary and Nursery School

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Haddon Primary and Nursery School

Dream Big, Aim High

School Meals and Drinks


All children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 ( Fs1, Fs2, Year 1 and Year 2) are provided with piece of fruit each morning under the National fruit scheme.


Children in Key stage 2 ( Year 3,4,5 and 6) are welcome, if they wish, to bring in a piece of fruit or other healthy snack e.g a cereal bar ( providing it does not contain nuts) to eat at playtime.  No other snacks are permitted at playtimes.


Water bottles

Children are encouraged to drink water regularly throughout the day. School requests that each child brings in a named water bottle with fresh water daily.  Children keep their water bottles on their desks, or in a designated place in the classroom, so they can drink at appropriate times throughout the day. Throughout lunchtime, water is available at each dining table and children can top up their the water from the available points in school. Drinks in packed lunches are at the discretion of the parent. However, we would welcome healthy lunchboxes in support of this policy.


School dinners

School dinners are provided by Nottinghamshire County Council school dinner service. Each day you can choose whether to bring a packed lunch or have a school dinner, lunch orders are taken at registration.



Please notify the school of any allergies or whether your child is a vegetarian or specific dietary requirements. 


Lunches are paid for via Parent Pay and you will be given a log in for this site once your child is registered at school. Free school lunches are provided up to the year 3 and after that they are charged at £2.40 per day (as of 4/4/22). The school does not accept cash but Parent Pay Q codes are available if you do not hold a credit/debit card and these can be used at payment centres locally.


WINTER MENU - Effective from Monday 4th November 2024




Class Teachers will ask the children at the beginning of each day who is having a school dinner that day.  Numbers are then given to the cook from the response.  So please ensure your child knows each day if they are having a school dinner so they are included.


  • No drinks are available to purchase in school – but water will be available.  If you want to send your child in with a fruit drink (no fizzy drinks) you may do so – please make sure your child’s name is written on.


  • Unless you have advised us that your child regularly will want the vegetarian option, all children will have the same meal option. 



If you have any other queries please get in touch with the office staff.

Thank you for your co-operation.

School meals are available each day. These are cooked on the premises and are of a healthy content to promote healthy eating.  There is a link to the menu below. 


If you think you are eligible for free meals the relevant application forms are available from the Area Education Office. Please ask at the school office for details. Alternatively for information on eligibility and applying for free school meals click on the link below.

Packed Lunch - suggested options

As with those children eating a hot school diner, those children who are bringing a packed lunch from home should also be having a healthy, balanced meal each day so they too are ready for learning.


Please see the table below for recommended / accepted foods for your child to bring in their packed lunch.







Healthy sandwich, wrap or bagel (brown if possible): 

Chicken, cheese, egg, tuna, ham, salad, cheese, corned beef, tomato.

  • Crackers
  • Cheddars (baked crisps).
  • Crisps (small bag 25g).
  • Rice cake
  • Plain biscuit.
  • Cereal bar.
  • Mini cheeses
  • Yogurt
  • Frubes etc.


  • Fresh pieces of fruit.
  • Raisin box
  • Fruit bar
  • Carrot sticks
  • Celery
  • Cherry tomatoes etc.


Snack / treat size chocolate (wafer style / milky way etc) – not solid or full sized bars.

Salad bowl: pasta, egg, ham, tuna, salad. No salt.

Drinks: Water, fruit juice or no added sugar cordial.

The following items are not allowed: Fizzy drinks, energy drinks, glass bottles / jars/ cans.  No Nuts (including chocolate spread) – we have a few children in school with allergies. No sweets.




Haddon Primary and Nursery School

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