Foundation Stage 1/ Nursery - Caterpillars
Welcome to FS1 Caterpillars
We are a class that really enjoy learning through play. We have a great classroom with lots of fun resources to help us learn. Our Foundation Stage team carefully plan teaching and learning to take account of children’s individual needs and interests.
We are part of the Early Years Foundation Stage and our activities are planned around the 7 areas of learning.
We will encourage your child to be involved in a variety of learning experiences during each day. Some of these will be whole class experiences, some will be in small group situations and sometimes your child will work independently. Teaching and learning in the Early Years Foundation stage is based on Questioning, PLAY and TALK.
The adults that help us with our learning in FS1 Caterpillars are;
Please fill in this contact form to register for FS1
Please provide your child's name, date of birth, address and your contact telephone number and we will put your child's name on the list for FS1. We will contact you the term before your child is 3 years old.