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Haddon Primary and Nursery School

Welcome to

Haddon Primary and Nursery School

Dream Big, Aim High

Year 6 - Kangaroos

Autumn Enquiry: Is conflict ever justified?

Spring Enquiry: How fair is our world?

Summer Enquiry: Is change always good?

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome back – I hope you are all keeping well and enjoyed your Christmas break.

Year 6 were utter superstars last term, and I am so impressed with the amount of learning they all did! They were all captivated by the WWII topic, and the texts we used enabled them to make emotional connections which informed their writing in a powerful, meaningful way. Other highlights include our residential to PGL; the Christmas music event; and our Safety Zone visit.


English: Over the course of this term, the children will be writing in a variety of genres including a persuasive letter, explanation text and flashback narrative. This term’s enquiry looks at the following question: How fair is our world? A focus on the first half term will be on trade, particularly fairtrade, and we will be looking to see whether what is happening around the world is ‘fair’.  During the second half term, our focus will turn to refugees, and whether the situations they are facing can be considered fair. In reading, to complement their writing and knowledge of the enquiry, we will look at many non-fiction books regarding trade, as well as quality non-fiction. ‘No Ballet Shoes in Syria’ will be used as a stimulus for writing – a book I highly recommend. Boy 87 is another quality text which we will also try to fit in!

Maths: this term is relatively short compared to others, so we will be really focusing on the key skills the children need within the topics being covered. The topics include the following: percentages, measurement (units and converting measures) and ratio. Alongside this, we will be working with the children to further-develop their arithmetic skills and automaticity of their times tables.


Enquiries: our enquiry question for the spring term: ‘How fair is our world?’ The subject driving our enquiry forward will be geography, with PSHE being taught alongside to enhance the children’s knowledge. Topics like trade, contrasting socio-economic countries and economic activity will be discussed to give the children knowledge so they are able to answer the enquiry question at the end of the spring term. The children will be looking at Fairtrade products and what the process of Fairtrade consists of.

Science: This term, children will be investigating living things and their habitats, looking at the classification of animals and plants.

PE: PE will be on a Thursday with Premier Sports, and an additional session will also take place during the week, so please ensure correct PE kits are always in school.

Water Bottles: We are encouraging children to bring in a full water bottle with them to keep them hydrated throughout the day. As best as possible, please ensure this is a sports lid-style cap, rather than a basic screw top – we have had a few spillages!

Support: Miss Hallam will continue to offer her support in both whole class teaching and in small group sessions to help fill gaps in children’s learning. She will also be around for pastoral support for children who require it.

Reading: As always, we are really encouraging children to be reading at least three times a week at home and logging it on BoomReader. It would be amazing if your child brought in their favourite book from home to read – fiction, non-fiction, and poetry! Of course, we will help them choose a book at school, too. Please also encourage them to use Read Theory as another tool.

Home learning: This will be increasing this term, with a piece of maths and spelling being given each week. Maths will be paper-based; spelling still on EdShed. Any questions or topics the children are unsure of, we will pick up at school. There will also be SPaG homework given when appropriate using the books given out last term.

Please look out for the letter for our Year 6 SATs meeting – this should be making its way you soon and will give you all the information you need to support your child. This will take place on Monday 13th January at 5:30pm.

Finally, I will be running an arithmetic club for all Year 6 children starting from Wednesday 15th January – free of charge! This will begin from 8:00am, with children needing to come to reception just before. The club will continue until the other children come into school for the start of the day. It will be very informal, and children will get a drink and a biscuit to keep them going! In the past, this has proved successful and has done wonders for children’s confidence and self-esteem. More information will be posted on Dojo.

I’m looking forward to this spring term with the children and watching them continue to ‘DREAM BIG AND AIM HIGH’.


With thanks,


Mr Burton.




Spring Enquiry Hook: Trading Game!



Haddon Primary and Nursery School

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