Children in FS2 are part of the Early Years Foundation Stage and follow a curriculum based around seven areas of learning. We introduce these areas of learning in ways that are suitable for the age and development of the child, building on existing skills and experiences. We continually assess through observations and focused activities and plan the children's next steps in all areas to ensure progression.
At the end of their year in FS2 the children will be assessed against Early Learning Goals to see if they are working in line with expectations for their age, below or above a typical level for their age.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum focuses on seven areas of learning:
Communication and Language The children will be learning to: - Speak and listen in a range of situations
- Follow instructions
- Answer questions
- Develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves
| Physical Development The children will be learning to: - Develop their co-ordination and control
- Move confidently
- Handle equipment and tools effectively e.g. scissors and pencils
- Make healthy choices in relation to food
Personal, Social and Emotional Development The children will be learning to: - Become confident learners
- Form positive relationships with others
- Learn to share and take turns
- Be independent
- Know the difference between right and wrong
| Literacy The children will be learning to: - Hear and say sounds in words
- Learn the alphabet
- Read and write familiar words
- Learn to use a pencil effectively
Mathematics The children will be learning to: - Count objects accurately
- Recognise numbers
- Add and subtract single digit numbers
- Name and describe shapes
- Understand concepts related to size, weight, length, capacity, position, time and money
| Understanding the World The children will be learning to: - Find out about past and present events in their own lives and the lives of family members
- Know how they are the same or different from their friends
- Explore and find out about the world around them
- Make observations of plants and animals
- Recognise different technology and where it is used
Expressive Art and Design The children will be learning to: - Explore colours and shapes
- Use different media and materials
- Participate in role-play
- Dance and move to music
- Sing songs and make music
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